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International Consortium for Communication in Health Care (IC4CH) 

HKU RIICH is a founding member of the International Consortium for Communication in Health Care (IC4CH).


IC4CH is an international, interdisciplinary collaboration that brings together leaders in the field of healthcare communication. Our dual focus is on innovative research to understand the role of communication in a wide range of healthcare contexts and translating findings to education and practice to improve patient safety and quality of healthcare practice globally. This is at the core of our mission: Translating cutting-edge research into best practice and training for safe and compassionate health care.   The Consortium is distinct internationally and relevant to contemporary healthcare contexts in the combination of several features. 

Apart from the University of Hong Kong, other IC4CH member organisations include the Australian National University, University College London, Nanyang Technological University, Lancaster University, Queensland University of Technology, and University of the Witwatersrand.

IC4CH member organisations apply their research findings to improve healthcare practice in a variety of ways, from the development of educational resources and professional development modules, to policy innovation and recommendations for organisational change.

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